Territorial election commission
of Navoi region


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Members of TEC


Djurayev Shuhrat Nizamovich

Chairman of the Commission

Born in 1958, graduated from Tashkent Polytechnic Institute in 1981.  His specialty is a mechanical engineer.


In 2023, he was awarded the Order of "Friendship".


 Is considered to be chairman of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Aslonova Gulnoz Zamonovna

Deputy Chairman of the Commission

Born in 1976, graduated from Navoi State Pedagogical Institute (bachelor) in 1999.   Spetsialnost po obrazovaniyu - pedagogue-psychologist.


 Is considered to be a assistance of chairman of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Xolbutayev Furkat Kahramonovich

seсretary of the commission

Born in 1979, graduated from Navoi State Pedagogical Institute (bachelor) in 2002.  


Is considered to be seсretary of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Kurbanov Xurshid Raupovich

Member of the commission

Born in 1982, he graduated from the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute in 2006 with a degree in history and pedagogy.


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Xamidova Shalola Voxidovna

Member of the commission

Born in 1975, graduated from Navoi State Pedagogical Institute (bachelor) in 1997 with a degree in - teacher of Uzbek language and literature.


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Djuraev Abdimajit Irisovich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1970, higher education - graduated from the National University of Uzbekistan in 1997. His specialty is a journalist.


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Kadirova Xilola Farxadovna

Member of the commission

Born in 1985, he graduated from the Graduated from Uzbek-Kyrgyz International University in 2009 with a degree in history teacher.


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Jumayev Xamid Goyibnazarovich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1992, Kursk State Pedagogical Institute In  1992. By education, he is a teacher


The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been operating as a member of the territorial election commission of Navoi region based on the decision No. 1333 dated May 29, 2024.


Azamova Orzigul Ramazanovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1972, he graduated from the Samarkant State Medical Institute in 1995 with a degree in a doctor ahusher-genycolog


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Qutliyeva Zebo Soyibnazarovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1985, higher education - graduated from the National University of Uzbekistan in 2008. His specialty is a journalist.


The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been operating as a member of the territorial election commission of Navoi region based on the decision No. 1333 dated May 29, 2024.


Orzikulov Zafarjon Aktamovich

Member of the commission

Born in 1983, higher education – graduated from the Tashkent University of Information Technology in 2005. Specialty – engineer


The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been operating as a member of the territorial election commission of Navoi region based on the decision No. 1333 dated May 29, 2024.


Bobonazarov Dilshod Begmamatovich

Member of the commission

Born in 1988, graduated from Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute in 2013. His specialty is chemistry.


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Ibragimova Musalam Adizovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1960, graduated from Tashkent State Pedagogical University in 1991, Tashkent State University of Economics in 1999.  His specialty is teacher, economist.


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Kayepov Talgat Barnayevich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1978, he graduated from the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute in 2004 with a degree in teacher oq Kazak language and literature.


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Xasanova Shaxlo Kharshiyevna

Member of the commission

Born in 1977, higher education - graduated from Navoi State Pedagogical Institute in 1999.  His specialty is English teacher.


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Umerzakov Ma’ruf Yunus ogli

Member of the Commission

Born in 1996, graduated from Tashkent State Law University in 2020. His specialty is a lawyer


Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.


Fayziyeva Feruza Xamidovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1969, graduated from Navoi State Pedagogical Institute in 1993.  He is a teacher of Russian language and literature.


 Is considered to be a member of the Territorial Election Commission of  Navoi region, approved by the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1333 of 29 May 2024.